Implementation of Capacitor Charging Factor Method in Solar Panel Simulator Design


  • Luthfi Solahuddin Universitas Pembangunan Panca Budi
  • Beni Satria Universitas Pembangunan Panca Budi



capacitor charging, solar test simulator, solar panel, current measurement, voltage


This study aims to implement the capacitor charging factor method in the design of solar test simulator for solar panels. This method aims to improve the accuracy of current and voltage measurements during the charging process of capacitors connected to solar cells. The test was carried out using three capacitors of different capacities, namely 470uF, 3300uF, and 4700uF, to analyze the characteristics of the charge curve and its impact on system performance.The results show that the 3300uF capacitor provides optimal performance with a charging time of approximately 1223 milliseconds, close to the simulation results using the Psim software. The 470uF capacitors, while fast in charging, do not provide sufficiently detailed data, while the 4700uF capacitors display more detailed readings but suffer significant voltage drops. This study emphasizes the importance of selecting the right capacitor in the solar panel test series and recommends the development of more sensitive current sensors to improve measurement accuracy. This finding can be a reference in designing a more effective and efficient solar test simulator system in testing the performance of solar panels.


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How to Cite

Luthfi Solahuddin, & Beni Satria. (2024). Implementation of Capacitor Charging Factor Method in Solar Panel Simulator Design. Journal of Information Technology, Computer Science and Electrical Engineering, 1(3), 85–95.